29 May

Sunday's Ride...This is a day late...

Start: Hamilton MT

End: Lost Creek Hot Springs MT

Distance: 40.76 miles

Elevation: 1679 ft

Left Hamilton under cloudy skies, full of dark rain clouds. I am tired of being rained on while riding, but still have to ride on. Today’s goal is Lost Creek Hot springs 40 miles away. When the clouds broke and I could see the Bitter Root mountains. They were spectacular. I do like big mountains.

The ride was uneventful and was making good progress for the day. Then to my surprise, Tony (met him at Lochsa Lodge a few days ago) from Ft Collins CO rode up and we got to share the next 15 miles talking and riding. The miles flew by.

Tony had to resupply his bike with food while I kept riding on. We did not meet back up till 20 miles down the road. 

I did see a great Memorial Day Display of a row of USA flags. What a great look and appropriate for Memorial Day weekend. 

At the small town of Sula, I pulled into a store/RV park to see what the rain clouds ahead were going to do. While waiting there who pulls in but Tony! Good to see him again. (He is such an optimistic person, it is contagious.). We waited 45 mins and left anyway, being only 7 miles from the destination. In a few miles we were riding in rain again. Argh.

We pulled into Lost Creek wet but ready for some food. Sadly there was no food around. As I was getting ready to have a dull dinner by myself a pair of fellow bike travelers, who are fully supported by Joe driving a motor home, offered me (And Tony) Turkey Burgers!!

Joe cooked Turkey Burgers, steamed veggies, tater tots, blueberries, ahhh the best!!!

Dinner conversation was great, swapping trip experiences and travails. I was pleasantly surprised!

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