30 May

Start: Salmon, ID

End: Lemhi, ID

Distance: 28.65 miles

Elevation: 1299 ft

Started out late, for it was to be an easy day.  Well it was not.  Physically my legs were toast, no power to them.  In the first hour I was hoping to just work through it and get back to normal.  Well normal today was legs just did not have any power today.  I had to settle for a 8mph pace and work for that.  My initial expectation was to cruise 14 MPH day, but I did not count on gaining elevation and legs rebelling.  I was surprised at the end of day I had gained over 1200 ft.  That does explain some of my duress today. 

Not many pictures today, but Lemhi valley is home to Sacagawea of Lewis and Clark fame.  Her role in the adventure is amazing.  She was amazing to agree to undertake such an important role of bridging the language gap between Lewis and Clark and the different Indian tribes.

I am camping tonight in the town of Lemhi, which consists of three building.  I am camping in front of the store owners home and the Lemhi post office.  I like it.  Thunder is booming off in the distance, I hope the rain misses my campsite.

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