02 Jun

Start: Lemhi ID

End: Birch Creek campground

Miles: 64.5 mi

Elevation 2218 ft

Started off from Lemhi, ID drying out from overnight rain again.  Weather was overcast and temps in low 50s.  Today’s goal was uncertain, plan was to make it to Gilmore pass and then find somewhere to camp.  I haven't had to stealth camp on this trip yet.  I have done it on motorcycling trips, but with my bike range is limited to just maybe 50 yards off road. I was a bit apprehensive about how the day would end up.

Morning riding was more of the same, Lemhi mountains on the west of the valley, long stretches of unbending road.  After 20 some miles i reach town of Leadore for a good hot sandwich to keep me going. 

I head out under dark clouds rolling around.  I have found I am terrible at predicting storms path, so I just ride.  Gilmore pass was not bad, but I am only averaging 10 mph.  So far I am missing the rain squalls due to pure luck.  But a nasty black storm cloud with thunder was following me up the pass.  I was happy to reach the top and leave that storm behind.  Now time to look for a camp spot. 

Nothing, wide open sage brush areas.  No water, not protection from any wind storms, no bueno. My only choice was to pedal on. Lone pine is 27 miles further, think 2 plus hours of ride time and it is 4pm.  I just keep going, thinking moving is good.  I get within 10 miles of Lone Pine and I feel okay knowing that I will make Lone Pine. I feel good about the accomplishment. 

In Lone pine I am expecting an open cafe and small hotel. I am thinking I can get food, water and camp in the large yard outside. But as I pull into Lone Pine there is a closed up Hotel, cafe and RV park. No one is about to ask if I can pitch a tent on a lawn with No Trespassing signs.  I call personal google map support guide.  Is there anything near by? Good news there is camping nearby at Birch Creek campground. bad new... I need to go 4 more miles.  ARGH!!! 

Okay and off I ride. As I'm riding I'm thinking, I am out of water, so no cooking for the night.  I am hoping for something good in 4 miles. I am relieved to pull into the campground with water and toilet. Better yet, it's Free! I set up camp quickly and watch a big storm cloud working its way to me. 

I look at the sweet rainbow and sunlight biting the storm.  One hour later, that bad boy is making me wonder if my tent will hold up while it pours down rain for 2+ hours.  My tent inside was dry and so was I.

Summary, I was elated I was dry with no damage to any gear. BIke was fine. All problems I had could be solved with some sunshine. I started the day aiming for 30-40 miles and ended up going a surprising 64 miles.

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