11 Jun

Start: Rock Springs, WY

End: Wamsutter, WY

Distance: 70.94 miles

Elevation: 2362 ft

To prep my route for today, I called the WY State Patrol to ask if there are any other roads to ride from Rock Springs to Rawlings other than I-80.  NOPE.  I would be riding on I-80 a long ways.  I was NOT looking forward to it. 

Today was going to be a big mileage day.  There are not many options for hotels along this stretch.  Staying in a tent would be difficult with the exposure to wind.  (My tent would be shredded in the WY wind.)

Weather is sunny with a bit of a head wind.  I was hoping for the normal wind pattern of west to east but not today.

I stopped for some good food at Point of the Rocks.  Lunch of Chips, donuts and a large drink.  However there was a cool marker for the Lincoln Memorial HWY which is what hwy 30/ I-80 is.  The memorial HWY is documented by markers as shown in the pictures.  I found it interesting.

At hour 4 I stopped at a Rest Stop that I have frequented a lot over the years.  It felt surreal to arrive there by bicycle instead of car or motorcycle.  I was in need of some rest so I lingered there for about 30 mins. As I got up to leave, I noticed a huge rainstorm with lightning approaching from the West.  My first thought was to wait the storm out there where I had shelter. (Riding a bike across this area, is daunting.  There is no shelter from any weather, other than underpasses.)

I watched the storm for 10 mins and then I had an idea, I have to out run this storm.  It seemed to be moving slowly.  Problem, if I have any issue that causes me to stop, the storm would pummel me.  If I waited for the storm to pass it would mean arriving at dusk to Wamsutter.  I thought riding at dusk on I-80 would be pushing my  luck, so off I go.  I am going to outrun the storm.  

I pedal hard for over one hour, I am still in front of the storm.  Another hour I am still okay, the storm seems to be bearing north.  Good News. 

However, closer to Wamsutter several storms seem to be converging on Wamsutter, yet I make it to a hotel and it starts raining, thunder the works 30 mins after I arrive.  It was a good day.  I feel I got lucky to have arrived only tired from my longest day yet of 70 miles.

Overall, it was a good day to be back at it. Riding on I-80 wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. There were a lot of tire carcass debris but manageable.

Tomorrow will be a shorter day for sure.

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