27 Jun

Start: Sterling CO

End: Holyoke CO

Distance: 47.07 miles

Elevation:860 ft

Today's goal was to ride to Holyoke, before afternoon storms arrive.

The morning ride was great! Beautiful weather and peaceful scenery, fields of sunflowers and winter wheat.  It was a pleasure. 

I enjoy riding through the small towns.  Out here the towns seem to cluster around the grain elevators, certainly it is the farmers' life out here.. Nice!

My wife is picking me up today in Holyoke.  I will be off the bike for roughly 10 days for a family reunion.  The break in the ride is good and bad.  Nice to have the break, but I am worried about lost momentum which is bad.  However it will be good to see family members and enjoy their company.

See you in 10 days, Holyoke!

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