05 Jul

Start: McCook NE

End: Oxford NE

Distance: 56.50 miles

Elevation: 1024 ft

Todays ride started way late due to a broken hand bike pump. I spent two prime riding hours waiting for bike store in McCook to open. I now am the owner of a new bike pump. Happy!

Todays weather was in sharp contrast to the previous day, overcast and a headwind. Headwind all day. Todays average was 11 mph compared to 14 mph. Does not seem like much of a difference but while riding it is a big difference.

With the clouds over cast temperature was about as nice as it can get. I was happy about that. 

Lots of corn fields and grain elevators. I have not tired of seeing elevators, for I am amazed at the amount of grain that is harvested. Huge!

Today I got spooked so bad I almost crashed! I startle birds as I ride by. When I was in Oregon and Idaho ducks would be startled and fly off as I passed, no big deal. Well today I heard a much bigger noise while riding by. It was enough noise I thought something was chasing me!  I turned to see a golden eagle launch off the ground! It was so cool but is engaged my fight or flight response. 

I also passed cool churches and old school buildings.

I do like these small towns. There is a charm and uniqueness to them which is appealing I think.

Tonight I am camping in a town park that has old school playground slides, teter totters  and tall swings. A smile is on my face. 

Cool weather equals good sleep tonight. I hope.

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