07 Jul

Start: Smith Center, KS

End: Belleville, KS

Distance: 63.06 Mi

Elevation: 1509 ft 

Today’s ride started late. I just did not want to get going this morning. On of those days. The ride was going to be rollers all day long and I was not to thrilled to be rolling away the day I guess.   But to my surprise these rollers were not as steep as yesterday and proved to be a great distraction during the ride. The miles clicked off without to much attention.

Scenery was more cornfields, wheat and soybeans. I am enjoying my ride through Kansas. Passing cars and trucks give plenty of room and are friendly. The small towns are interesting and worth more time spent in them.  All good. 

I passed within two miles of the geocentric point of the US! And then a house with cloth line full of sheets and jeans. The best. 

I arrived in Belleville tired per usual and a rainstorm bearing down. A Good Day.

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