15 Jul

Start: Higgensville MO

End: Boonville MO

Distance: 66.78 miles

Elevation: 2392 feet 

I got another good start this morning.  It is so peaceful riding at sunrise. 

I went to a state park honoring the confederate soldiers valiant spirit located just outside city limits. It was not a graveyard of tombstones, but a peaceful meditative park with one Boulder holding a plaque. The civil war was fought all over this area. 

The ride was great, I was able to click off the miles steadily and soon I was in Marshall MO ( 31 miles) with a town square anchored by a spectacular municipal building. 

Before I knew it I was through the town without stopping to fill water bottles. uh oh. I rode on to a town called Arrow Rock population 46. Not many people for sure. I had to ask a lady in her yard for a water refill. I had run out!This was at mile 50!  She filled up my water bottles and sarcastically asked me if I wanted to be sprayed. “Yes, please!” Oh so nice!

The last 20 miles were work. The last 10 of every day are just tough. No way around it. It became hot and uncomfortable to ride, BUT I got on the Katy Trail!  I have been looking forward to the Katy Trail for a month. 

The Katy Trail is an old railroad bed converted to a bike trail which runs along the Missouri River for over 200 miles. I am going to ride 140 of those miles. The surface is crushed limestone so the going will be slower but there will be. no vehicles passing by to close.  I am looking forward to it.

Tomorrow the capital of Missouri!

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