18 Jul

Start: Jefferson City MO

End: Washington MO

Distance: 78.83 miles

Elevation: 453 feet

I was getting  ready to start riding at 5am when rain and thunder descended. Weather pushed my start time back one hour. I was planning on riding my longest distance of the ride today and wanted an early start, but 6am will have to do!

With the rain I was worried the Katy trail crushed limestone would be soft. It was okay, but did cause extra work to keep a decent speed. Where the paved road paralleled the Katy trail I took the paved road and significantly better speed. 12 mph vs 15mph.

The morning flew by, temps were nice but humidity kept the sweat flowing. 

The previous nights severe weather did cause downfall of threes across the path. I had to cart my bike over several trees.

The Katy trail had more train stop kiosks in the towns with some historical information on them. It was all good stuff.

I arrived in Washington a later than normal stopping time due to length of ride but the afternoon temps were cooler today.

I was able to get my bike into a shop to have chain checked and cleaned (I was worried I might need a new chain but mine has some more life left in it) and new back break pads installed. I am good to go for a while longer.

Ride is done a good day!

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