01 Aug

Start: Springfield OH

End: Galena OH

Distance: 79.11 miles

Elevation: 1332 feet

I started out early enough to see that McDonalds dine in should have been open but it was not. I had to ride my bike Drive Through style. Workers don’t like people walking up to the drive through window, good thing I was on my bike.

Again I was in US40 all the way into Columbus. Sketch riding, especially where US40 intersects with interstates. They are no fun to navigate. I did have a bike lane hemmed in by an on ramp  and road, with both lane traveling 60mph on each side of me. Yes the lanes where occupied by vehicles. While I am on the subject of sketchy, in Springfield I got caught in an on-ramp that accessed a 4 lane road on the left side of the road.  Oooeee no bueno!

On to Columbus, I got to see The Horse shoe stadium of the OSU football team. It was cool, the campus is beautiful. I took a few pictures and headed out to finish the day. I was at mile 45 and I still had to traverse a lot of the city yet so I got going.

I am camping in the heat because the RV park was the furthest up the route to set up tomorrow’s ride.

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