08 Aug

Start: Cumberland MD

End:Hancock MD

Distance: 62.60 miles

Elevation:499 feet 

The Great Allegheny passage southern terminus is in Cumberland and the northern terminus C&O towpath is in Cumberland.

The Towpath was built in 1839 and uses locks to raise and lower boats towed by donkeys.  There are 75 locks in total allowing for and elevation change of 625 feet over 184 miles. 

Heading out of Cumberland the view back of the city is spectacular with two tall spires on two separate churches. 

The path is like a dirt road with potholes and muddy in spots. The weather has been fairly dry so riding on the towpath is firm. If it rains riding will be difficult and slow. As it is a averaging 10mph will be it.

The locks are interesting  to see how water is used to raise and lower boats, amazing structures and engineering. Also there aqueducts to transport the canal over rivers.

I ride from mile post 184 to mile post 124 to the town of Hancock.  I did stop to cool off in the Potomac  River for a second until the little fish would be not leave my feet and legs alone. 

It was a great riding day, so pretty and peaceful all day.

Tomorrow Harpers Ferry!

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