10 May

Distance: 39.2 miles

Elevation: 2054ft

Mitchell to Dayville, OR

Mitchell was a cool town with an awesome restaurant, plus plenty of charm. A have every thing grocery store (tire air compressor, hardware, boots, and Ice cream). It was way cool. I thought sleeping in the town park would be noisy but the river nearby dominated all noises, sweet!

I met Patrick who runs the local bike hostel and I learned a few things. First, I am the first rider through of the season. I am about 2 weeks ahead of normal start time of May 14. So far I have not seen another cyclist with panniers on the road. Not one! 

Second, Patrick, from talking with other cyclists over the years that have passed through his place, stated Day 15 is the crucial day where things start to fall into place, your legs arms and hands work better. You figure out a routine for packing, eating and resting. Day 15 is when that magic happens. That is good to know!

Also, we talked motorcycles :-). He has been to the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia. I have that place on my list of things to see. The best time to plan a trip is while on a trip I have found. :-)

I visited the post office to mail home some things I was not using and wanted to save weight and space. Ear buds, tablet and toiletry bad were all sent home. Good riddance. :-) saved me over 1lb. I will take that.

Today, was the first day to see sun since day 1. I was happy to wear bike bibs without running tights and bad weather gloves. It was a pleasure to put sunscreen on.

Now to the days riding. Today’s ride started off with a climb that took 2 hours. 7.2 miles of climbing right out of the gate. Of course it started to rain and rained for about 1 hour. I was screaming up the hill at sub 4mph so one just takes the rain and try not to complain.:-). Not to mention is got snowed on for a brief period of time. I finally made it to the top of Keyes Creek Summit. Very pretty up top, lots of volcanic rock. Mountains are dry with mostly juniper trees.The rest of the day would be generally downhill for the rest of 30+ miles. I like that. I went through narrow canyons following Rock Creek, which merges with John Day River. Both are running high with snow melt.

I arrived early at Dayville happy to set up a tent at Fish House Inn RV park. What a nice place, showers, laundry and Wi-Fi.

Yesterday I was enjoying a huge plate of Fish n Chips. Today I am having a make shift meal of left over food from other days. At times you have to eat what is available.

Plan is to have a leisure 32 mile day of mostly flat roads to town of John Day. There I will take a rest day. My tail end has told me to, so I will.

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